Trust’s Current Directors
“I’m excited to be entrusted as the newest—and youngest—President of the JCT. Last May, I returned to Elk County after graduating from Chatham University to serve as an AmeriCorps member at the North Central PA Regional Planning and Development Commission. I’m excited to take on this new role to give back and serve my home county and the community of Johnsonburg.
I care deeply about making rural communities places where young people can and want to stay; and I’m invested in preserving and promoting the history of our communities through the experiences of us—the people who live and work here.
I hope to use this year to strengthen and reimagine the JCT; continue our rehabilitation efforts which build community wealth; and more deeply engage all those who call this community home.”
—president, Aidan Bobik
“I am proud to be entering my 5th year as a dedicated board member of the Trust, having already served 3 years in the capacity of vice president. As a lifelong resident of this borough, I initially joined the Trust with a fervent desire to contribute to the revitalization of our beloved town.
My commitment to the community extends beyond the Trust, as exemplified by my active involvement as a volunteer firefighter and my membership in numerous other organizations within Johnsonburg and the surrounding areas. My professional life includes a fulfilling 40-year career at Domtar, from which I am now retired.
Retirement has opened up new avenues for community engagement, and I am excited to dedicate more of my time to the seasonal Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market. Additionally, I see the restoration of the Brick Block as a pivotal project for our town's future and am eager to play a significant role in its success. My extensive experience, both professionally and within the community, coupled with my passion for Johnsonburg's revitalization, makes me a committed and valuable contributor to the Trust and the town as a whole.”
—Tim ‘Harv’ Davison
“I was honored to accept the nomination to become a director on the Johnsonburg Community Trust board. My extensive involvement in the restoration of the historic 45,000 sq ft Armstrong Brick Block (BB) since 2022 had solidified my dedication to this project, and I knew that my complete focus would be on the BB and its vast potential.
The tangible evidence of my past projects can be seen in the 1st retail unit, located prominently on the corner of Bridge and Market Streets. This unit serves as the crucial Heritage-Education & Welcome Center, showcasing the meticulous restoration of the original ornate pressed metal ceiling tiles, authentic plasterwork, and the uncovered original windows that face Bridge Street. It stands as a testament to the building's rich history and serves as a welcoming gateway to Johnsonburg. Following this, the Kay & Rose Bakery Co. was the next project I embarked on, collaborating closely with my siblings on the build-out and design to create a space that both honors the past and embraces the present. Currently, I am working alongside a group of talented and dedicated volunteers to revitalize the 3rd retail unit, restoring and customizing this space to house the next significant business.
My overarching goal is to transform my vision for Johnsonburg’s BB into a reality. This includes attracting businesses that offer unique products and services, creating a vibrant and dynamic commercial center. Additionally, I envision the second floors as a multi-functional space that includes short-term lodging to accommodate visitors, offices for local businesses and entrepreneurs, and remote worker spaces to cater to the growing trend of remote work. This Paper City has the potential to become a hub for fishing enthusiasts who travel from around the world to fish in the 2019 award-winning Clarion River, as well as to those who simply love spending time in nature or want to learn more about Johnsonburg’s heritage/history. By providing comfortable lodging, convenient amenities, and a welcoming atmosphere, we can attract more visitors and encourage them to stay longer, explore our town, and experience all that it has to offer.”
—Vern Delong
“As a fifth-generation resident, my commitment to the town's well-being is evident in my extensive involvement with the Johnsonburg Community Trust.
Currently serving as vice president I previously served as president for three years, One of the things I am most proud of is the establishment of the Heritage Education & Welcome Center (HEWC), Now serving as coordinator and curator. My passion for preserving and promoting Johnsonburg's heritage is evident in the work coming out of the HEWC, Helping to educate residents and visitors about the town's rich history, as well as, the region’s is very important to me.
I also find great joy working in my studio. You can find my pieces both retail and wholesale. The inspiration is heavily influenced by the natural beauty of the surrounding Pennsylvania Wilds region. Each piece reflects my "Rural Organic Style," a testament to the deep connection I feel to the area's roots and traditions.
My dedication to Johnsonburg and the region extends beyond preserving its past; I am equally committed to shaping its future. I firmly believe in the power of community collaboration and envision a region that continues to thrive and grow while retaining its unique character and charm.
—vice president, Stephanie Distler
“This is my fifth year serving as a director of the Johnsonburg Community Trust. My involvement in historic restoration and community revitalization projects within Elk County began several years ago when I made the decision to return to my hometown. The wealth of experience I've gained during this time has solidified my belief in the Borough of Johnsonburg's potential.
I firmly believe that Johnsonburg possesses numerous assets that can play a pivotal role in helping our region overcome the challenges it currently faces. As a fifth-generation resident of Elk County, I take immense pride in my deep-rooted connection to this area. My personal investment in the community extends beyond mere residency; as a local business owner, I have a vested interest in fostering regional growth while simultaneously preserving the unique character of our local communities.
The preservation of our local heritage and the pursuit of sustainable growth are not mutually exclusive goals; rather, they are complementary aspects of a holistic approach to community development. I am committed to working collaboratively with fellow Trust directors and community stakeholders to leverage Johnsonburg's strengths and ensure a prosperous future for all who call this region home.” —Andrew Mohney
“This is my fourth year serving as a director on the Johnsonburg Community Trust (JCT), and it also marks my first term as the Mayor of Johnsonburg. I consider it a privilege to serve our community in these dual roles and am dedicated to making Johnsonburg the best it can be.
I believe strongly in community engagement and you can often find me at local events, meeting with residents, listening to their concerns, and sharing in the joys of our town's vibrant life. I'm also a proud volunteer firefighter with the Johnsonburg Fire Department, where I work alongside my fellow residents to keep our community safe.
I have always been fascinated by our local history and am passionate about preserving Johnsonburg's rich heritage. I'm excited to be part of the revitalization projects happening throughout the borough, and I'm committed to working with the JCT and other community partners to build a bright future for Johnsonburg while honoring its past.”
—Mayor of Johnsonburg, treasurer, Kyle Paget
“I’m so excited to be in my third year as a director with the Johnsonburg Community Trust!
I was born and raised in Johnsonburg, so this little town is near and dear to my heart.
I have always had a love for all things vintage and historic so being involved in the revitalization and restoration of downtown and the brick block is very important to me.
When not working with the Trust, you’ll find me spending time with my husband & two boys, as well as, scouring local estate sales, flea markets, yard sales & thrift stores for “junk”.
I love breathing new life into old objects. I am on social media, where I document all of my “junk’ in” adventures, at “The Rusted Rooster”.
—secretary, Lauren Pura
Sarah Schreiber
Statement coming soon!
“During my tenure as Treasurer for the Trust over the past 3 years, I gained invaluable experience in financial management and strategic planning, which I now leverage as the chair of the Finance Committee.
Witnessing the remarkable transformation of my hometown Kane through a concerted revitalization effort has been truly inspiring. It is my fervent hope to see a similar renaissance unfold in Johnsonburg, breathing new life into our community. My previous leadership roles as president of both the Kane Chamber of Commerce and the Kane Rotary Club equipped me with the skills and experience necessary to galvanize community support and spearhead initiatives that foster economic growth and enhance the quality of life for all residents.
—Christina Tigani
Christopher Bohley- partner at Hughes Bohley Engineering LLC, completed plans for the Brick Block/HEC
Christine Bressler- original JCT founding director, former Recreational Director of the Johnsonburg Community Center and Grant Manager.
Rick Delong- rehab/restorations/history
Vern Delong- rehab/restoration/events/history
Herb Distler- contractor- construction consultant
Thea Distler- anthropology with a focus on environmental sustainability - cultural resource management, heritage tourism and indigenous research regionally
Rachel Kilhoffer- former JCT director, and Borough Secretary
Ryan Miller- civil engineer/code enforcement officer for the borough
Jeff Parana- Brick-Block advisor, and Potomac Development Group principal.
David Taylor- Historic Preservation Consultant and Grant Writer.
Brandon Waterman- electrical contractor and communications
Matt Quesenberry- now Emeritus and past director 1/22 to 2024, Elk County Commissioner